Friday, February 8, 2013


Friday, February 7, 2013
It is always a very dangerous enterprise when you go out to eat anywhere.  As Karen DeKoster states, you're dealing with the military industrial food complex that packages and sells junk food, not unlike street drugs.  I know that sounds extreme, but extreme reactions from these foods do occur.  Ever seen or heard an ambulance show up to a restaurant?  Well . . . .  Last night I was out with a friend at Chung King Restaurant in San Gabriel.

I picked the restaurant.  I'd never eaten here before.  It is often packed, so that told me that the place was good.  Maybe for some people.  It was not good for me and was not good to me.  The service was good enough.  The waitresses were kind.  Though they certainly could not care.  I wanted to stay away from meat.  The last time that I ate meat at a Chinese restaurant was at Newport Seafood (see above) and I almost died from MSG allergic shock.  There I ordered fried shrimp.  Well, the same thing happened tonight.  But all that I ordered was a cabbage dish, a spicy cabbage dish.  The description stated that the dish was made with a secret sauce.  Secret because they don't want to tell you that MSG is in the food.  The Chinese waiters and waitresses will tell you that there is no MSG.  They're lying.  Think about it.  There is no way that you're going to get a Chinese worker making a few dollars an hour, and lucky to have a job to stay in America, to tell you the truth about their business that will send business away.  No way.  This is not prejudice or bias.  This is unethical business practice.  Despite all of the eulogizing about how small businesses are what keep America running, let's rewrite that and say healthy businesses that provide a safe product or service.  Anyway, I got home from Chung King and almost died.  I felt that I lapsed into a kind of anaphylactic shock.  So I got online to see what Mike Adams recommends to treat MSG allergies.  Here is what I found.  He says that cream of tartar relieves the symptoms because of its alkalinity.  Well, I took some baking soda earlier to see if that could relieve my symptoms.  A little.  But I am still suffering from headaches and stiff and sore muscles.  I will write a letter to the owner tomorrow, telling him about my allergic shock from their food.  The friend that I was with ordered a fish soup.  I'd had fish soup before.  This tasted similarly.  Though I think that it was the sauce of the cabbage that caused my allergic shock, it may also have been due to the fish in the fish soup.  What's also important to know is that MSG comes in a variety of different names.  Bardot says that MSG comes in the following names:

Here are some of the names used to refer to MSG; there are others. Yeast nutrient, calcium caseinate, sodium caseinate, textured protein, monopotassium glutamate, autolyzed yeast, yeast extract, yeast food, hydrolyzed corn gluten, natrium glutamate, hydrolyzed protein, carrageenan, maltodextrin, natural beef flavoring, natural pork flavoring, whey protein protease, malt extract, malt flavoring, natural chicken flavoring, soy protein isolate, citric acid, ultra-pasteurized, anything that's enzyme modified, soy sauce, soy sauce extract, whey protein concentrate, stock, broth, bouillon, pectin, soy protein, soy protein concentrate, barley malt, whey protein isolate, protease enzymes, anything protein fortified, flavors and flavoring, natural flavor and flavoring, fermented foods, enzymes, seasonings.

So just because a packaged food isn't labeled MSG, doesn't mean it doesn't have any.  Like I said, pharmaceutical-military-industrial-complex.  Ugh!  They're trying to kill people.  They make you sick.  If you go to the hospital you get sicker.  A dear friend of mine had surgery recently to remove a tumor on one of her adrenal glands.  The doctors insisted that it should be removed.  She trusts her doctors.  They removed it and now she has lost a tremendous amount of energy.  She sleeps all day.  She's had to surrender her job.  They've got her on anti-nausea medication to keep her from vomiting.  I mean the healthcaresystem in this country is deadly.  And with Obamacare the federal government is forcing it on everybody?  And this isn't fascism?  Yes, I exercised bad judgment in selecting this place, but this business exercises bad judgment in administering poison in its food.  This guy has a different opinion.

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